Veterinary Cartoons

What's funny about a profession with high student debt, poor mental health, relentless corporatization, and a bunch of fear aggressive German shepherds?
I think a lot.

Cartoons, it turns out, are a rapid fire joke. Because these one only have one panel, the entire (hopefully humorous) idea is generally transmitted in less than one second. Laughs, it's been scientifically proven, are an automatic recognition of both a situation's incongruity and ultimate benignity. So a funny cartoon releases endorphins in the reader's head because something really is okay.
Theses cartoons are for a veterinary audience. A profession full of caring people who happen to be struggling with mental health. But I think there are aspects of animal medicine, sometimes even seemingly dark ones, that aren't so scary.
And I can't help but prod them. I don't think that's such a juvenile pursuit.
More cartoons below.