
Lost & Found

Something nearly unbearable happened recently: I lost my stethoscope and my sketchbook. Through a boneheaded move (I've made several in my life) I misplaced both of these crucial pieces of my

The Osprey

With determination fueled by adrenaline, I approached the bedraggled osprey, ready to perform an impromptu rescue, only to find myself outsmarted by a grand display of avian defiance: a majestic aerial departure punctuated by a poignant avian "gift."

False Alarm

In which I go clothes shopping, have a terrifying experience, and unconsciously implement an evolutionary strategy to help a conspecific.

The Penguin

Veterinary school brought unexpected coincidences, like donning a penguin costume and later, coaxing a penguin out of anesthesia


Reflecting on the complexities of veterinary care across different communities and the trade-offs inherent in providing care within various constraints