
The Turkey

When a turkey steals the spotlight—and your donut—there's only one way to make things right.

Same as it Ever Was

A couple of months after starting vet school, one of my classmates spam-emailed the whole student body. There was no message, just a Photoshopped image of me posing as a velociraptor, next to

The Cassowary

Silence. I exhaled between footsteps. The leaves were wet, but even a small noise might give me away. No water bottle, no camera, no dangling binoculars to click against each other. A waterproof

Favorite Dinosaur?

Expressing frustration with adults who seem to have lost their sense of wonder and imagination regarding dinosaurs, contrasting their indifference with the enthusiasm of children

On Perfection (and Rambling)

Welcome to Sasquatch Paw, where I dump my creative overflow as a vet-illustrator who loves the ocean, sasquatch, and more