Greg Bishop

Greg Bishop

A veterinarian with unquenchable creative impulses. Unquenchable? Hmmm... creative "tendencies"? Well, it depends on how well I slept last night. Also a writer, illustrator and whatever-elser.

The Goose

Limericks are traditional drinking songs from England (they're not actually Irish!). In their purest form, they should be obscene. Even better if they violate taboos. I didn't know any

New Yorker Rejects #5

It's been yet another month of rejected cartoons. But don't pity me, dear Sis or Brosquatch. I'm having fun and wasting time and effort on a nonlucrative

Thrown Over the Fence

It's so annoying to not be able to figure something out. My job as a veterinarian is to answer questions correctly. In school, we're drilled over and over again

The Cassowary

Silence. I exhaled between footsteps. The leaves were wet, but even a small noise might give me away. No water bottle, no camera, no dangling binoculars to click against each other. A waterproof

Ruining the Campfire

I've seen it a lot. Dusk falls, and a group of good friends gathers around the campfire, catching up on life and enjoying the open air. The smoke wafts into the